11 Priceless Benefits of Learning First Aid in the Office

Two gentlemen practicing cpr on the dummy inside the office

It’s no secret that emergencies are hard to prevent in the workplace. This makes CPR one of the highest value skill to have in an office.

Take a First Aid class at Texas CPR Training, CPR dallas
Take a class at Texas CPR Training

It’s no secret that emergencies are hard to prevent in the workplace. This makes CPR one of the highest value skill to have in an office.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR saves lives. Forty-five percent of heart attack victims survive if there is a bystander who can perform it. With over 475,000 Americans dying from a heart attack every year, this makes CPR useful in employment.

Workplace CPR training is something every employee needs to do. It creates lasting benefits within the business. First aid in the office not only helps the employees but the individual as well.

How? Here are 11 benefits of CPR training that everybody should know.

1. It Saves Lives

Let’s get straight to the point. The most important reason to know basic first aid is it saves lives. At its purest form, performing first aid in your workplace gives you the confidence to act.

Among the benefits of learning CPR is knowing that you are a vital link the chain of survival. Knowing how to perform CPR can triple the chances of someone’s survival. It extends the window of opportunity for better health provisions to succeed.

In the chain of survival, you have:

  • Recognition of cardiac arrest
  • Calling emergency providers like 911
  • Early CPR and chest compressions
  • Quick and fast defibrillation
  • Basic to advanced emergency services
  • Advanced life support
  • Post-cardiac arrest care

Workplace CPR training lets you give a person more time for help. CPR combined with knowledge of defibrillation opens later life support options.

Whether it’s a young or old person, male or female, the benefits of CPR training stand at its use for saving lives.

2. First Aid Improves Office Safety

Workplace first aid training does not only teach employees how to cure. It also shows them how to prevent accidents.

Safety awareness is a common issue in many places of employment. This is not as obvious in office type locales. Rather, it is more obvious in high-hazard areas like constructions and factories.

Many first aid training providers tailor their lessons. At the usual, it is according to someone’s place of employment.

The idea is you don’t want to be using what you know. To do so, you make sure that there are fewer accidents for all the participants.

This type of training instills discipline in everyone. With some people wanting to cut corners during their work time, here’s the truth. One of the most important reasons to know basic first aid is to instill a level of order.

An organized team of employees can help police themselves. If they care enough about each other to prevent accidents, you get more productivity.

3. Low-Cost Way To Mitigate Workplace Injuries

Workplace accidents are expensive for companies. Employers pay $1 billion worth of workers’ accident compensation per week. These include direct and indirect costs.

Workplace CPR training helps mitigate these costs. This is two-fold, which relates to our second reason.

One, training people knowledge of how to take care of themselves educates them. The learn the risks involved with accidents and life-threatening events. This gives them an extra understanding of possible situations and how to work it out.

Two, if first aid can take care of minor accidents. An urgent CPR can stop the onset of cardiac arrest. A well-placed Heimlich maneuver can help someone choking.

The benefits of learning CPR can help businesses. This happens through lower medical costs and workplace insurance.

For the level of safety education that a CPR training gives, the price is worth every penny. All you need is a certified team who can provide the training.

4. Improves Employee Morale

Employee morale is a crucial piece of worker attitudes. High confidence makes them care more about their jobs, their workplace. It gives them a more positive outlook into going to work.

Among the emotional benefits of CPR training, it adds positive attitude amongst people. It empowers them that they can do great things like saving a life. This can result in a better working environment for them.

This is especially true for people who think that going to their workplace is depressing. By knowing that their management cares for everyone’s safety, they can have the peace of mind they need. This goes a long way toward favorable long-term working conditions.

One of the most important reasons to know basic first aid is its positive emotional benefits. This alone makes it well worth it.

5. Helps With Camaraderie

Having your employees join in workplace CPR training is a good team-building exercise. It helps them feel a connection with their workmates. CPR training allows them to understand that they have each other’s back.

Many businesses try to find ways to have their people connect with each other. Team building exercises are there to help create ties that bind. The benefits of learning CPR, however, brings in good communication and the ability to work as one.

When someone’s life is in danger, it’s useful to work together to help save someone’s life. Emergencies can break down divisions. Everyone from upper management to the janitor can be at stake, so first aid puts people together.

At its core, first aid training is there to save lives. When it’s not saving lives, it lets people from different departments come together for a good cause. It lifts up the barriers of anonymity and pay grades.

Confidence in each other help people become better versions of themselves. First aid knowledge helps them look out for their colleagues. It lets them learn how to do a helpful response during danger.

CPR training can become a common ground for people. If people have a point of connection, they will share a bond of trust and comfort within their companies. This is good for business and good for dealing with customers.

6. Health and Safety Multiplier

Few companies have health and safety risk officers. Far less have fully-certified positions. It’s not very workable, especially for small to medium businesses.

This is a simple thing, but one of the most important reasons to know basic first aid is the knowledge itself. Knowing the contents of a basic first aid kit, how to dress a wound and how to be confident during an emergency is vital. It’s critical training that you can’t get anywhere else.

This level of training and confidence is hard to get. This is true outside proper certified training.

It means every employee you have that has a first aid certification is a safety multiplier. They are your unofficial health and safety risk officers.

It is still critical to have a full-time risk officer. Even then, one or two people cannot handle all accidents all the time. If you have people who are as capable, the benefits of learning CPR can give you peace of mind.

7. Acts As a Career Investment

Businesses are looking into adding first aid training as a great “plus” in people’s resumes. Not enough people have first aid backgrounds. CPR and first aid certificates are good additions to your skills.

You can use this as an incentive for your employees to take workplace CPR training in earnest. It doesn’t matter what your age, gender or race is.

The benefits of CPR training give you lifesaving skills. This is something lacking in many workplaces.

Becoming first aid certified means you fill a specific niche. These types of career niches are trending right now. Business owners value the ability to save a life.

Human resources understand CPR skills entail secondary skills. These are not measurable through certification. Empathy, trust, and confidence can come from these courses, and they know it.

People who know the benefits of learning CPR understand the level of trust and communication it entails. The same people have the potential to learn processes better. This attitude can make a workplace successful.

8. Satisfies Need For CPR-Certified People

Many fields need people to have first aid training. This is true for areas that have safety hazards for employees. This includes various sectors, including:

  • Hospital and healthcare sector
  • Construction and carpentry
  • Crime and law enforcement
  • supply chain management

The healthcare sector requires their professionals to know basic first aid. The construction sector likes having people who have CPR training. Policemen and emergency services learn it as a standard.

Emergencies can happen at anyone at any moment. If every person within a community has first aid training, that is perfect. It creates a long-lasting positive impact on everyone.

Survival rates go up, and the chance for emergency services to help increases.

While it isn’t much leverage in many careers, here’s the thing. Businesses and communities will give certified first aid practitioners a second look.

9. Adds To Your Office Value

What do you do if your close friend in your office gets a cardiac arrest? What will you do if your CEO breaks down? The most important reason to know basic first aid is to save a life.

The knowledge of saving a life in an emergency makes you a valuable piece of your team. If you give time to learn proper first aid with certified providers, you add value. It is a skill that creates value to your personal portfolio.

CPR training is not intrusive. They don’t take much to complete, and places of employment can administer them. Business owners understand the value of workplace CPR training.

Once you can do basic life support and first aid, you don’t unlearn it. That’s a marketable skill you get forever.

If you save a life, it’s not only gratitude you get. The ability to save lives is something special, and people know it.

10. Can Lower Insurance Premiums

One of the more unknown benefits of CPR training is its ability to lower insurance premiums. People who complete training courses receive pay less for their auto insurance premiums. They even get more discounts for their life insurance.

The logic for this is simple. If a car owner or insurance beneficiary has the ability to save lives, they are a net positive. In the event of a certified first aid practitioner sees an accident, they can become first responders.

Basic first aid helps insurance companies lower the chances of a payout. Because you’re an indirect net positive in the overall health of insurance beneficiaries, companies are willing to give you discounts.

Much like vaccines, the benefits of learning CPR goes beyond cure. They help to prevent loss of life, which results in fewer payouts needed.

11. Helps With Office Rulemaking

In a business, workplace CPR training gives the ability for rule makers to create safety rules for everyone. Office rules tend to benefit both the company and the employees. If regulations come from a basis of knowledge, they are effective prevention methods to workplace injuries and accidents.

Workplace rules that put safety and looking out for each other put people at ease. It gives them the confidence to be productive without being afraid for their physical wellbeing. With the right rules in place, enforcement will not be troublesome.

People tend to follow safety rules. When a rule is clear and logical in its purpose, employees will not question its value to them. First aid training imparts knowledge to a healthy, accident-free workplace.

The benefits of learning CPR is crucial to creating a risk-free place of employment. With the right rules set in place, CPR training can provide the necessary know-how on ensuring everyone’s safety in hazard locations.

Learning First Aid in the Office is Crucial

Teaching first aid reaps many benefits, both for your people’s individual career and your business as a whole. Having your employees learn first aid in the office is crucial.

It is training that can have long-lasting positive effects in your business and community. It’s crucial to find the right people who can teach your people how to save a life.

If you are looking for the best basic first aid and CPR training in the Texas area, Texas CPR is the right people for you.

Texas CPR aims to make safety and lifesaving accessible and affordable to everyone. If your business is looking into sharing this knowledge to your employees, speak to Texas CPR. Learn how you can create the right workspace with the proper expertise.

Contact us at Texas CPR. This is CPR training done right. We’ll make sure of that every time. Take a class today at Texas CPR Training