Bleeding Control

Bleeding Control Course

Did you know someone can die from blood loss within five minutes?


In this Bleeding Control Course you will learn how to identify life threatening bleeding and how to treat it.


This is NOT a First Aid class. First Aid teaches only minor injuries and not how to control severe bleeding.


The Bleeding Control Course is about an hour which includes hands-on practice. Students will practice applying pressure, packing a wound, and using a tourniquet.


This course is held the last Friday of each month at 6:00 PM in Garland.  The cost is $20.00.  Students will receive a Severe Bleed Care workbook and a certification.


To register send an email to with your name, date you want to attend and telephone contact number. You will receive an invoice for payment. Please make payment upon receipt to secure your spot as the class is first come first serve. Payment is non refundable if you are a no show.


Bleeding Control Kits are for sale at the end of the course if interested. We accept cash or credit.