CPR Saving Lives Across the USA

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CPR Saving Lives Across the USA

CPR Saving Lives Across the USA

CPR Saving Lives Across the USA!
CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is an emergency procedure that saves lives when administered on people whose heart stops beating. It is one of the most beneficial procedures to learn as it can quickly save a person in a life or death situation. The Hands-Only, AHA CPR procedure keeps the blood circulating, improving the chances of successful resuscitation until the EMTs arrive. In fact, it can even double or triple the chances of survival in victims of cardiac arrests.

This makes CPR training one of the most important certifications to have. This way you can be the one to make all the difference in a person’s life when help will take time to arrive. Until then you can keep the situation under control and avoid a worst-case scenario.

CPR – According to Statistics

According to the American Heart Association or AHA, cardiac arrests claim lives of more than 475,000 Americans every year. This makes cardiac arrests more probable of causing fatalities than influenza, house fires, HIV, car accidents, prostate cancer, breast cancer, pneumonia, firearms, and colorectal cancer combined. The reason for alarm here is the fact that more than 70 percent or 350,000 of cardiac arrest episodes occur outside hospitals and medical care facilities. 75 percent of such cardiac arrest episodes happen at home. This means that one of the main contributors to these victims’ death is the absence of emergency resuscitation. In fact, previous medical surveys show that close to 90 percent of the people who suffer cardiac arrests outside of hospitals die. In 2015 alone, the total cardiac mortality in the US was 366,807.

But if a family, friend or other bystander has CPR training and performs it in the emergency situation, it could increase the victim’s chances of survival. The data from a 2014 report shows results that back up this fact. According to the data, 45 percent of people who survives a cardiac arrest out of hospitals survived when a bystander performed CPR on them.

Some survivor stories like the following will make it more clear how important it is to have CPR training.

Saving Reid Osaki – Mother and Son save the Day

When Cindy Osaki found her husband unresponsive on their bed, she immediately recalled her CPR training and asked her son to get Reid on the floor. After that, she wasted no time and began administering hands-only CPR until the medics arrived with an AED. While there were complications in his case, Reid made a full recovery thanks to Cindy’s immediate response.

Juan Muñoz – Airport Police Saves Passenger

In the month of March 2016, Juan Muñoz learned and improved his hands-only CPR skills from a training kiosk placed in the Indianapolis International Airport. This training came in handy as he was able to administer emergency CPR on a passenger who approached Juan with cardiac distress.

For more survivor stories visit The American Heart

From both cases and the statistics mentioned above, we learn the importance of CPR training. Considering all above mentioned information, we recommend that you take a professional course to get certified for having skills that could save lives.  Texas CPR Training has been certifying students across Dallas and Fort Worth since 2002. Call 214-770-6872 to schedule a class at your location or theirs.

Survivor Stories

Brought to you by Texas CPR Training